In this school of fashionistas, these are the students that stood out.
Unpictured Freshman Guys: Voting for freshman guys was broadly spread leading to no individual winner.
Freshman Girl: Miranda Garcia
“Miranda is always well dressed, she gets tons of compliments when I’m around. I look forward to seeing what she wears, she has a bright fashion and looks good all the time¨ Frosh. Juliana Shattuck said.
Sophomore Boy: Jhovany Rodriguez
“Jhovany is cool and fashion savvy. He takes a lot of his inspiration from the Kardashians. I see him look at fashion blogs all the time,¨ Soph. Chris Guerrero said.
Sophomore Girl: Ayisha Afrik
“Ayisha is the best-dressed person I know! She is so sweet and classy, and so are her outfits,” Jr. Caroline Sisson said.
Junior Boy: Dre Solorzano

Jayla always has really good layers and her colors go really well. She always dresses really nice, I don’t know if I’ve ever even seen her in sweatpants,” Sr. Mitch Frauenheim said.
Senior Boy: Matt Scheneman
“Matt looks like he just walked out of a fashion magazine,” Sr. Chase Spooner said.
Senior Girl: Victoria Akavong
¨Victoria makes both dressing down and dressing up look good,¨ Sr. Katalina Anongdeth said.