So, you think you know your teachers? How well do you really know them? Well, today you will get a chance to match a teacher with their interesting story or fact. Prove how much you truly know the teachers at West Ottawa. (See the answers at the bottom)
- This teacher met Fetty Wap, “‘I was in the Atlanta airport traveling with students and two kids ran up to me and were like, “Fetty Wap just walked by.” And I said, “No he didn’t.” And they were like, “Yes he did.” So I said, “All right.” So we walked after this guy down the airport and the kids screamed, “FETTY WAP.” And so he stopped and turned around and it was sure enough, it was Fetty Wap, the whole thing. And um so he signed autographs for the kids and I chatted with them for a few minutes just saying thank you and you know.”
- This teacher almost got robbed in Paris, “My senior year of high school got basically a surprise, my friend’s aunt and uncle lived in Belgium at the time, so she asked me and my other friend Zach, if we wanted to go to Europe with her, and we obviously did, we went to Greece for a week, which was awesome. Found out they love Americans, then went back, went to Paris, found out they do not like Americans at all. Um, we almost got robbed in Paris, by these people who wanted to act like they wanted to draw me, which is fun and then got kind of lost in the train system in Amsterdam, so, but made it back to the states just fine.”
- This teacher illegally traveled from two countries. “I accidentally, may have illegally gotten on a plane when I wasn’t supposed to from Qatar to South Africa, because I didn’t have the correct documents, but the group I was traveling with just pushed me on anyway… I was under 18, so I wasn’t traveling with my parents, and I was supposed to have like a release form from them, saying I could travel with a group. And, I was first in line so I got to go on and two of the others under 17 got stuck in Qatar.”
- This teacher got kicked out of a casino. “For my senior year of college–I wrote an undergrad thesis on card counting and I ended up getting kicked out of a casino, because I got caught card counting. It was Blue Chip down in Michigan City, Indiana… I made a lot of money first, and I didn’t take it… I was there with some of my math friends who were also part of the project with me.
- This teacher walked the Camino de Santiago. “It’s an ancient pilgrimage walk that happens in northern Spain; and the bones of Saint James are said to be housed in this cathedral church in northwest Spain. So for centuries, pilgrims would leave their houses and walk to this church. So it’s called the way of Saint. James, the Camino de Santiago. Mrs. _______ and I did that–it was like a 30 day backpacking stay at hostels every night. We hiked across northern Spain for 30 days, in all of June, that was like 10 years ago, or something… We still have lifelong friends that we met on that, they came to our wedding and they’re actually teachers in Virginia, so. You tend to walk with the same people every day, but the people are from around the world, so it’s very cool.”
6. This teacher has golfed in 7 different countries and 1 US territory:
- US
- England
- Scotland
- Mexico
- Lithuania
- Jamaica
- Australia
- St. Croix — US Territory
7. This teacher has a twin brother.
8. This teacher has traveled to 47 states. “I only haven’t been to Texas, Arkansas, or Oklahoma.”
9. This Teacher was in 13 clubs during her Senior year of high school. “I grew up in Kalamazoo, but my favorite thing I did was, I was class president and how we had it set up at high school was our seniors planned prom and all the graduation stuff… We always did a senior trip to Cedar Point, but Six Flags does a special back when I graduated–They did a graduation night, so you actually got to go to Six Flags, the amusement park from like 8 PM to 4 AM… I wrote a whole petition to present to the board for them to change this trip and show that students really wanted this trip instead of the Cedar Point trip. So I was really happy that I was able to change that.”
- Cherylyn Weyhmiller
- Austen Whitley
- Kelsey Billingsley
- Shanna Meyer
- Tyler Robinson
- Kyle Plank
- Emma Jacobson
- Heidi Libner
- Naomi Sarelis
Mr. Piersma • Jan 24, 2025 at 10:14 am
Number 7 sounds an awful lot like Mr. Piersma.