When we look back on some of our fondest memories of OG Fortnite and the joy it brought us back in those days, we remember the nostalgia, the classic locations, the cash we blew on the game, the good times, and our favorite seasons. In this collection of articles we explore what all of these meant to us and what they mean to us.
How Nostalgia Brought People Back to Fortnite.
Carson Taylor
It’s 12:30 at night. The streets of Timberline Acres are silent, but the streets of Tilted Towers are booming in the Reimink household. All three of the Reimink brothers and their dad are playing squads together, completely unaware of the time.
On November 3, 2023, Fortnite had its biggest day ever: 44.7 million players. This shocked many media outlets as Fortnite was a game that was deemed “dead”. However, this was not a surprise for lots of the people who came back to play the game. There had been some speculation that Fortnite was going to return to their original map, which fans had been wanting for years. On October 27, Fortnite officially announced that they were returning to their OG map, which made the internet erupt.

One of the main reasons many players came back to play Fortnite was the nostalgic memories. The first few seasons that Fortnite came out were during a pivotal point in most high schoolers life, during their middle school years. Many students were able to create friendships through Fortnite with their classmates.
Sr. Justin Heck was able to get to know his classmates even better through Fortnite. “I got closer with a lot of my friends in middle school because I was able to spend more time with them and create memories with them over the game. Being able to send my friends one quick text to ‘hop on’ and then play the game for hours was very convenient because otherwise, to spend time with my friends I would have to work around my parents’ schedule.” Middle school is a place where many students find new friends from all the different elementary schools, and even today students are still maintaining these middle school friendships.
Another pivotal point in many students’ lives was during the COVID pandemic. Everyone was forced to stay at home, so the one of the only ways students could connect with each other was online. Fortnite was still very popular at this time, so many students played with their friends during the COVID pandemic. Sr. Noah Bosma recalls playing Fortnite with his friends during this crazy pandemic. “Fortnite allowed me to stay in contact with friends that I couldn’t talk to, and it gave us a way to spend time with each other when we couldn’t in person.”
Many students would also play Fortnite during their online classes, while pretending to pay attention to their teachers. The fear of being called on by a teacher on Zoom while in the middle of a Fortnite match was a feeling that many students had, and it was not a fun one.
Fortnite has also been able to create strong bonds and relationships amongst families. Jr. Maxwell Reimink has been able to connect with his brothers and his cousins over Fortnite. Reimink lived on the east side of the state until he was 9, and he spent lots of time with his cousins. However, when the Reimink family moved to Holland, it was hard for him to keep this strong bond. “Since we moved away to this side of the state, the only bonding time we’ve really had is on the game [Fortnite]. The fun-loving bond I have with both of my cousins allows for a family gathering to never disappoint because of the moments we share over Fortnite.”
The revival of Fortnite has been able to bring back many of these nostalgic memories and feelings to its players, and it is the main factor in the revival of the game. Nostalgia is a sensational feeling, and it is something that almost everyone wants to experience. That feeling of being back in 2018, landing at the fan favorite OG spots, and having fun on the game with friends is very surreal.
What Your Drop Spot Says About You.
Keegan Angel
The day has finally arrived. A group of four buddies squads up for the first time in a long time. These buddies have been waiting for this moment since 2018, the return to their childhood map. So many classic locations to choose from, so little time. These four friends are all different in great ways and they all have their favorite location, but what does a favorite location say about a person?
- Tilted Towers– The classic and easily recognizable buildings of this Point of Interest are the habitat of the well known but exceedingly rare, common sweat. Although they may be rare, they are still very easy to find in the confined spaces of Tilted Towers. While other players fear even the mountains surrounding Tilted, these players have no fear, they take the challenge head on. This breed of player tends to carry their squads, wipe other squads, or die off spawn and rage quit. This player is allergic to touching grass. This person is quick to anger and has zero chill.
- Pleasant Park– This is the home of the classy individual, a skilled and efficient combatant that has the knowledge and composure to play game after game. Over time, this player has stuck with the game and has waited for the return of their favorite location. This player is simple, likes the classics, nothing too special, and is content with the game. This person enjoys classic Christmas songs and good 90’s rap.
- Greasy Grove– A rare occurrence, an individual who repeatedly drops at Greasy Grove is an individual who is aware of the sweats lurking around every corner. The Greasy Grove landers are looking to play the game for fun, not competitively. They are trying to win by getting as few kills as possible and avoiding the pack of sweats that build a 5 star hotel at the sight of another player.
- Shifty Shafts– This breed of player is almost completely extinct, with the return of the OG map many players have neglected the mines below the surface. The individuals who haven’t forgotten are people who know the game, know the chest spawn, and live in the mines themselves. They are not very social, avoiding contact with the populated areas of the map. The Trolls of Shifty Shafts lurk and camp waiting for their prey to come to them. When it does, they strike, and lose.
- Dusty Divot– After the events of a meteor strike, the inhabitants of Dusty Depot had to adjust to the new massive hole in the ground.This became known as Dusty Divot. These inhabitants have become more sweaty by the day, needing to defend their home from more damage. These players are skilled and have had time to hone those skills and create ruckus in lobbies. These players are also expert builders, landing in a location with a lot of materials that are readily available for them to farm and use.
- Fatal Fields– The average country boy likes to call fatal fields home. With the easily recognizable farm house and big red barn, it gives a feeling of homeliness to the point of interest. The players who call this area home are usually daily sweaty but in a blue collared way. Getting their hands dirty and doing the work themselves.
- Snobby Shores– This location is pretty self explanatory, Snobby Shores is the location of choice for the wealthy community. “Why?” you ask? The gated community and pristine suburban homes make the players with some cash to blow feel like they belong. These players are unrelenting pushers, they always go for their prey and after they are done, they will emote and be extremely toxic because they believe they are better than you.
- Paradise Palms– While tilted is the home to the sweats who will tear you limb from limb, Paradise Palms is very similar in the fact that it is the home of many sweats. The difference between these sweats and tilteds sweats is the courage and confidence they possess. These Paradise Palms dwellers are not quite as skilled but still severely sweaty.
- Wailing woods– Hidden deep within the thick forest of Wailing Woods, lurks the scariest kind of player, the camper. These wood trolls get their loot and disappear into the wide expanses of the map, not to be seen until there is one person left. Winning the game with one elimination and no remorse. Many players would say that they heavily dislike this type of player for the sole reason that they simply hide from competition.
- Junk Junction– You’re trash.
Money Spent on Fortnite
Corbin White
In the depths of his basement, Jr. Landon Kipker loads up a game of Fortnite. The hours slip away, and it’s the dead of night;this has been a routine for Kipker. Fortnite has a very special place in his heart. He’s put sweat, tears, hours, and a commendable amount of money into the game.
One significant part of Fortnite is the items that can be purchased for it. Besides the cost of the console and the game itself (which is free), Vehicle wraps, lobby music, dances, and even different characters make it possible to customize the avatar. This can cost a lot of money, and for some it has been extremely expensive according to a survey sent out to over 100 people. As the graph shows, people either put a serious amount of money into the game, or the bare minimum. It’s very interesting to see the polar opposites be the most frequent responses. Because of the statistics, a conclusion can be made that people either love the game enough to invest that much money in it, or play the game but don’t want to spend a lot of money on it. People love the aspect of the game that the avatar can be customized in virtually any way, which is why the majority,
more than seventy percent of the people sampled have spent more than fifty dollars on the game. In the end, the customization of the avatar is clearly a loved aspect of the game and it is important to most players, and the graph shows it.
The fact that this game is earning that much money shows that Fortnite was and is extremely important to people and a very memorable game. For some people Fortnite was a significant part of their childhood, and that is why this game has a special place in peoples’ hearts.
Some people might think that its quite concerning to see that people spend this much money on something as insignificant as a videogame, but others, such as Landon Kipker says otherwise. “I’ve spent more than $400 on Fortnite because everybody else was spending money in the game so I had to. I wanted to be cool and I actually liked the skins and everything else the game had to offer. I know that all sounds pretty dumb, but making the character my own by customizing it is something really cool. It makes him my own and more real, in my opinion.” For Kipker, money spent on Fortnite is money well spent. This view contrasts to others drastically, as some people have different opinions of the game and only spend around $50. “I had better things to spend my money on, like fishing equipment rather than a virtual skin that looks like trash” said Sr Spencer White. “Plus, I knew that one day the game would get old and people wouldn’t be playing it anymore.”
For most people, the iconic skins are one of the biggest parts of spending money on the game. “The Omega skin is my favorite because it reminds me of good times when I was younger. I put all my effort in the game when I could and it brings back memories when I wear it,” said Kipker. “It’s kind of like an emotional connection.” Even the people that only spent a small amount of money have skins that are very special and memorable to them. “My favorite skin is the Boba Fett skin. Its the only one I have because I’m broke, but its still a very good one,” said White.
These two opposing views are both understandable, and it’s unique that the game attracts these two very different types of people. Thats why the game is so good. Its a game for everyone, and anyone can play it. It’s suitable and fun for everyone, from fifth graders to grown adults. Its truly a cherished game, and the facts show it. Almost everyone has put some money into it, and millions on millions of people play it every day. It is very hard to find someone who hasnt at least heard of the game, and that is why It’s very important to almost all of West Ottawa, and almost all of the world.
Fond Fortnite Memories.
Bode Baum

Sometimes playing this game isn’t about the game, it’s about the people you meet along the way. The stories you make and the memories you create will always be a part of you as you grow up. During covid many people started playing Fortnite and video games as a whole. It distracted many from their studying and online classes. But it’s all how people look at it, some would say that during covid many people missed their friends and missed the social interaction that they had just a few months before. Video games helped connect people without risking people’s health and it was a fun way to pass time.
One of the games that was super popular during the pandemic was Fortnite, so we asked people what their favorite moments were when playing fortnite. To show why when people had so much free time locked in their houses during covid why they chose this game out of all games. One of Sr Mark Cosgrove’s favorite memories was when he would stay up late at night playing with his Jv basketball teammates. He would always try to stay quiet at night because he was playing at 1 or 2 am.
If you ask anyone they would probably say one of their favorite memories was the anticipation of not knowing if we had a snow day or not. Then when they received the news they would instantly hop on Fortnite with all of their friends from school.
In chapter 2 season 4 as the game came down to the last few players Sophomore Joel Cosgrove prepared to fight the last guy. The last guy was a lonely AI bot, Joel Decided to intimidate the bot by cranking 90’s into the sky. He had the iron man mythics to help him in case the bot broke him down. The bot decided to knock him down, he panicked and tried to switch to the iron man mythics in his inventory but missed and went one slot too far and fell to his death giving the unsuspecting bot the victory.
When a player gets their first win they will always remember where they were at and who it was with. Everyone would call up their friends and flex on them, that they got a win. No matter what season they started, the feeling when you won was like none other. When Fortnite came out with Live events and you could experience these events with friends. Some of the best ones were the mech vs the monster in season 9, and the cube falling event season 5-7. Experiencing the Marshmallow and Travis Scott concerts with your friends and getting to experience fun times with them.
Sometimes it’s not even about the game, it’s about connecting with friends, having fun and building memories that people will remember for the rest of their lives. Fortnite knows how to bring people together and make people feel connected. No matter how good people are at the game everyone has memorable memories whether it’s dying to a bot or playing late night Fortnite with friends everyone has a story to tell.
Top 10 Seasons
Parker Behrendt
It is November 3 and everyone is waiting for the bell to ring and get out of school. Many people are sprinting to their cars to get home and get on the game. It is 2023 but it feels like we’re back in 2018. The old Fortnite is back, but it feels so new. There is so much nostalgia playing the game and old friends are playing together again. Different versions of the old map are changing every week. A lot of the best seasons were with the old map, and it shows in the ranking of the top ten seasons starting with number ten and ending with the best Fortnite season so far at number one.
10.) Chapter 2 Season 1
October 15, 2019, the theme of this season is New World causing Fortnite to completely revamp their map and start a new chapter. The start of Chapter 2 was the map exploding, then there was a blackout where the servers were down for 36 hours and creating a completely new map. This season included Winterfest 2019 with two free skins with Lt. Evergreen and Wooly Warrior, as well as many free items. The only reason that this season isn’t higher on the list is because not much else happened during this season and it got old because it lasted almost four months. The season ended on February 19, 2020 lasting 127 days.
9.) Chapter 1 Season 6
September 27, 2018, this season had a Halloween theme called Corruption. This season included a memorable skin in the Battle Pass with “Calamity.” It was the return of the cube after the cube sunk into Loot Lake in season 5 the cube came back in the event of “The Butterfly Effect” where the cube was under the biggest island in the middle of Loot Lake and it created a floating island. As the season went on the cube started to slowly crack, leaking something into the lake. Not too much happened this season but it was okay because it was a fairly short season. This season ended on December 5, 2018 and lasted 69 days.
8.) Chapter 2 Season 4
August 27, 2020, this season was very popular based on the theme of Marvel Comics. Characters such as Thor, Wolverine, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Groot, Storm, Doctor Doom, and Mystique were all available this season. There was one very popular event with The Devourer of Worlds where Galactus destroyed the Fortnite planet and then for 7 hours and 40 minutes the servers were down and the screen said “To Be Continued”. This was right before the start of Chapter 2 Season 5. The main reason for hype this season was Fortnite bringing in Marvel skins but the rest of the season was mediocre, so that’s why it’s not higher on the list. This season lasted until December 1, 2020 for 96 days.
7.) Chapter 3 Season 1
December 5, 2021, this was the start of another new chapter in Fortnite. The theme for this season was The Seven/Flipped Island causing the Fortnite island to flip giving players another revamped map just like the start of Chapter 2. This also introduced the new Spiderman skin. This season lasted around three months, and it stayed very fresh the whole time. It was also during Christmas time so there was Winterfest 2021 where players can open one present each day for 14 days with two free skins with Polar Peely and Krisabelle there were also many free items. This was a great season and many people could argue that it should be higher on this list, but the other seasons ahead of it are amazing. The season ended on March 19, 2022 lasting 104 days.
6.) Chapter 4 Season OG
November 3, 2023, this was the day that everyone was waiting for, this season’s theme was Time Travel and for good reason. Everyone who played Fortnite back in 2018 came back for nostalgia. The old skins came back revamped. The old map from all the way back in chapter 1 season 5 came back and got updated every week. It also included a very popular skin with the Spectra Knight. It brought new versions of old skins with, Renegade Lynx, and Omegarok. This season had the most players of any season of Fortnite ever so there is good reason for it to move up, which it probably would be higher if the season wasn’t so new. This season will end December 2, 2023 lasting 30 days making it the shortest season so far.
5.) Chapter 1 Season 7
December 6, 2018, it was during Christmas and the theme was Winter and they added a snowy part of the map, some of the great skins are Sergent Winter and Ice King. A lot of people play Fortnite in the winter when it is cold outside and they have an excuse to stay in and play games, and it was no different for this winter season. This also had the 14 Days of Fortnite where they added new game modes every day. Games modes such as Disco Domination, One Shot (squads), Team Rumble and many more. It also had the Showtime event where there was a Marshmelo concert at Pleasant Park. Season 7 had a lot more events but many of them were not great or memorable and that’s why it is not higher on this list. This season ended on February 27, 2019 lasting 83 days.
4.) Chapter 2 Season 2
February 20, 2020, this season had a lot of players due to COVID everyone was staying inside because of quarantine. The theme was Spies and this season introduced many new landing spots with The Rig, The Agency, The Shark, The Yacht, and The Grotto. These were not great landing spots but at least it was something new. There was one event that was okay with “The Device” and it was the explosion of The Agency, this event was mainly to set up Chapter 2 season 3. There was also a Marvel character available with the Deadpool challenges where if completed them you would get a Deadpool skin. Some of the popular skins this season were Agent Peely, Meowscles, and Midas. The main reason this season is so high is because it was during COVID and everyone was playing, giving many people fun memories from this season. The season lasted to June 16, 2020 it was 117 days making it one of the longer seasons.
3.) Chapter 1 Season 3
February 22, 2018, this was a very popular season and it was very early in the game. Season three was many people’s first season. The theme was Space Exploration and it had many very well known skins such as, Rust Lord, Dark Voyager, and the Reaper better known as the “John Wick” skin. It also had very well known emotes with the Take the L dance and Best Mates. A new landing spot was added with Lucky Landing as well. One reason that it isn’t as high as it could be is because of the lack of events there was almost nothing this season, but it is still one of the best seasons because it was a new game for a lot of people and the gameplay was great. The season ended on April 30, 2018 lasting 67 days.
2.) Chapter 1 Season 5
July 12, 2018, this was many people’s first season and they introduced rifts and the theme was Worlds Collision. There were many very popular skins: Drift, Redline, Sun Strider, and Ragnarok. This season introduced new landing locations with Lazy Links, and Paradise Palms. It also included many events, one was Fortnite’s first birthday, celebrating one year of Fortnite Battle Royal. Another event was Crack Closure and it was where there was a big crack in the sky and eventually lightning came out of it forming a cube. This cube was a big deal for a while moving all around the map until it finally sank into loot lake. It lasted from August 24, 2018 to September 19, 2018. This season was great, a lot of people loved this season and the introduction of Kevin the cube was amazing. The season ended on September 26th 2018 lasting 76 days.
1.) Chapter 1 Season 4
May 1, 2018, this was the greatest Fortnite season of all time, the theme was Superheroes and it had one of the first big events with the meteor crashing into Dusty Depot turning it into Dusty Divot right at the very beginning of the season. They also added the soccer stadium and risky reals as new landing locations. There was also the Thanos event where people were battling for the Infinity Gauntlet and it was a very big advantage if you got it. It lasted from May 8 to May 16th. This season also brought in many great skins with Battlehawk, Carbide, and Omega. Some of the most popular dances with Orange Justice, Grove Jam, and Hype. Almost everyone that played this season loved it and most people say it was their favorite. This season ended on July 11, 2018 lasting 71 days.
The seasons are a big part of Fortnite. When there is a good season, many people want to play. When more people play, more memories are made. That’s why Fortnite is such a great game, you can make memories with your friends and build friendships with new people. To many people, Fortnite may seem like a dumb little game but for others, it is an escape from reality. That is why Fortnite is one of the greatest video games ever made, because it impacts so many people in a positive way.
Jamarion shields • Dec 4, 2023 at 7:54 pm
You know what Carson I love this this a good story
Kyler stratton • Dec 4, 2023 at 10:50 am
Well done!
Gerrit Corell • Dec 4, 2023 at 9:01 am
The best article I’ve ever read #fortniteislife