Being involved in different school-wide activities is very important in anyone’s high school career. Homecoming has been my personal favorite activity since middle school and when entering high school it has become a bigger deal. Two of the main events for the assembly before the game are powderpuff football for the girls and Mock Rock for both boys and girls.
In middle school, kids participate in different type events; unlike high school, they don’t participate in homecoming so it’s a new experience for our incoming freshman. “I have never been to a performance,” Frosh. Jayda Hoang said. “I’m excited to try something new. I want to do more stuff like this throughout high school too,” Hoang said. Everyone should participate in these types of events, no matter what grade. It’s all in good fun.
As a sophomore, you’ve gotten the big picture of how the last three years are going to go, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still participate in events like these. New people participate every year, so take a chance.“This year I am looking forward to making new friends,” Soph. Anna Saewert said. “I like that I get to learn to play football. I look at this as a great social opportunity.” Saewert said. By now, you have the experience from last year’s game to beat your opponent this year.
Juniors typically don’t have a lot of time to participate because most of them have jobs and homework, but even if you’ve done it the past two years, doing it one more time won’t kill you. Maybe you could even meet more people. “I’m really excited to play powderpuff this year.” Jr. Jolee VanFleeren said. “It’s an awesome way to meet new people from your grade and get involved with school activities,” VanFleeren said. It’s a really fun activity to participate in for a lot of people. So, go for it.
Even people who have done these things for the past three years, continue to do it because of the experience they’ve had in the past with making new friends and having fun. “I love getting involved with my classmates to participate in school,” Sr. Courtney Allen said. “When I get involved with these kinds of things the school doesn’t seem so big and I think everyone should try it at least once.” Seniors have the most fun because the past three years they have learned how to. You are never too old to play a game or dance around like goofs over a game. It’s all good fun and it lightens the year for most.
These two activities are highly encouraged by all grade levels and personally I strongly agree.If you are interested in joining either of these, contact your class adviser for more information.