It was just another Thursday in August. Yet another hot day in a series of scorchers that the people of Holland had been experiencing. Quite a few of the plants in the area were in bloom, with some just slightly withering due to a lack of recent rain. A perfect summer day for the beach, as most schools in the area were still on summer break for at least another week. However, for the students of West Ottawa High School’ this was their first day back to school. Despite what some may think, the reactions to the change, as well as other changes to the schedule as a whole, were largely mixed.

On August 22 this year, while most students at the surrounding school districts in Michigan were still on summer break, the students of the West Ottawa school district were already going to their first day of school. Almost every student had a look of visible upset on their face as they walked through the glass doors of the building. Yet, despite most students’ initial frustration on the new starting date, some students opted to look at the new school schedule for this coming year. Upon inspecting it, many students had mixed opinions about every change to the schedule.
Most of the student body had the same opinion about starting early this year. Almost no people wanted to, especially when they could have been outside or still enjoying summer. Sr. Willow Labarge said, “I feel very frustrated because I feel like we weren’t given as much of a summer.It’s interesting because we got out later than other schools but we started earlier than them.” The general consensus was that most students hated starting early.
However, a small number of students disagree. Some believed that starting early could be a better change, and could be a major help to adjusting back to the schedule earlier. Soph. Nolan Ruiz said, “I personally like it because we get a head start on the other schools, so we’re more prepared.” He was one of a smaller number of students who disagreed with the others and thought that it was a change for the better.
When more students viewed the school schedule, many focused on the change in the half day schedule. While half days have typically been on Fridays, this year they have been changed to Wednesdays. The change was made due to an increased number of people skipping the half days because they feel like they don’t miss as much as skipping a regular day or could get a start on weekend plans. Many students feel that the change in the half day schedule was pointless. “It stinks…better on Fridays than Wednesdays,” said Labarge. He followed it up by saying, “This makes them more pointless because it’s in the middle of the week as opposed to starting off the weekend, making it harder for students to enjoy them.”
However, a few students disagree with these statements and think that the half day schedule change is better. Ruiz said, “I like it. It’s like a break in the middle of the week to make the rest of it easier to get through.”
Another noticeable change in the schedule was the extension and increase of breaks and break time in the school year. This was met with the same reaction by all students: joy and excitement. Labarge said, “It’s nice and it feels more worth starting earlier.” The statement was agreed upon by most students who were asked. Ruiz agreed, saying, “I feel a lot better about going in a week earlier now. It’s worth the change.” All the students seem to feel the same positivity about the change in breaks.
One more change in the schedule that was quite noticeable was an increase in the number of half days. Not many students noticed until they double-checked the schedule. And yet, the general consensus seems to be split pretty evenly on the matter. “Because they are on Wednesdays, there is less to enjoy, and I wish they were on Fridays,” said Labarge. He then said, “They made them pointless.”
On the other side of the spectrum, some students enjoyed this. “It’s pretty cool. More half days means more to enjoy about them,” said Ruiz. Despite who was asked and any personal opinions on the matter, the thoughts of the general consensus on the new half day schedule seem pretty evenly divided amongst the students.
It was quite interesting to see how the students’ feelings and thoughts differed on the changes in the school schedule. It was almost like a direct back and forth on every topic and change. No matter who agrees with who, it ultimately comes down to how one personally feels about the changes. It is better to get information for one’s self rather than just forming opinions based on others’ words. Knowing everything on a topic can help one form accurate thoughts and opinions on the matter.