“I love being on varsity and I feel super lucky to be cheering with such kind people. I feel super proud to be part of this team. I learned to tumble in seventh grade and continued learning because I thought it was a fun way to destress. I learned to tumble by watching tutorials online, meeting with coaches and practicing at my middle school cheer practices. My favorite part about being on varsity is making new friends and being able to get involved with different things. I love how everyone is so welcoming and has looked out for me so much. In the beginning, I definitely felt nervous; I was scared of how I would do compared to the people who are older than me and meeting a whole new team full of new people. I realized, everyone is very kind and reassuring. It has also been so cool to be able to cheer with my older sister Ellery. She was the reason I started cheer. I made it a goal my seventh grade year to make varsity so I could cheer with my sister for her last year in high school. I definitely will continue to do cheer throughout high school, I have had a great experience. I’m not sure about college cheer, but I definitely want to help coach young cheerleaders in the future,” Frosh Addley Field said.
Humans of West Ottawa: Feeling welcomed by the senior cheer team
January 25, 2024
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Arianna Loveless, Writer