The West Ottawa Baseball team packs up and settles into the charter bus to begin the quest to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.Signs were indicating they were at the end of the 15-hour bus ride.The baseball team arrived in Myrtle Beach, ready to start a week of spring training.The team played at the Cal Ripken Experience Facility.Fields are ready, let spring training begin!!The guys lounge outside of Ben & Jerry’s as they wait for the hotel rooms to be ready.The view from the balcony of the resort was amazing.First intrasquad game!After a solid practice, the men head to a restaurant to refuel.Great beach day!Perfect day to go to the beach.The sun was setting as the guys suited up for the night game.With the lights shining bright, the night game had begun!
Daily walks on the beach.Sr. Mike Heckman and Sr. Soloman Gray pose under the boardwalk.
Jr. Chet Johnson impresses the whole team by successfully fitting 40 pieces of gum in his mouth.A rain delay forces the team to head inside for a trip to the mall.Last beach day!Thanks for the memories Myrtle, you’ve been great.