“The most important thing I do outside school or work is coaching dance at the middle school level. Theater is my passion, which is why I devote many hours during the spring every year working with middle schoolers, helping them with their dances for the spring musical. It’s important to get kids excited about theater when they’re young, so when they get into high school they continue doing it. I love seeing the look on their faces every day when they work hard and watch it pay off–getting kids passionate about something, especially middle schoolers who hardly seem excited about anything anymore, is so important to me. Every day after school during the months of March–May from 3:00-6:00 I head over to the middle school and play games, entertain, coach, instruct, and teach these kids. It’s so rewarding getting other people passionate about the same thing I am, and that’s why it’s the most important thing I do outside of school,” Sr. Caedmon Kephart said.
Humans of West Ottawa: Satisfaction through helping others
January 6, 2025
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