“What makes me feel at peace? Well, what makes me feel at peace is my sport and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Soccer has been a part of my life for about eight years now when I was a kid I didn’t think it would affect my life but it does because when I feel stressed, sad or even happy I’ll go to the fields to play and I’ll play
Christian music while I’m training. It makes me feel like Jesus is there with me pushing me to be my best or when I mess up on a drill I feel he’s telling me to get back up and push myself even harder. Soccer makes me forget about all my problems and worries it’s a way to get my emotions out. On game days I’ll pray before my game begins so that my team is protected and Jesus is with me every minute of my game. Worship is another place I feel at peace with. When I go to church and when I hear my pastor say “Everyone stand,” it’s like a weight lifted off my shoulders because I know I’m about to sing the songs that my church picked, I’ll start to tear up sometimes because I feel the energy and seeing everyone around me
love Jesus as much as I do, makes me happy. One of my favorite songs from my church Engedi, is “Still So Miracles.” When I heard this song I instantly started to tear up because there is this line saying, “Your sprint moves as we worship so move right now,” Raising both of my hands up singing this song made me feel the spirit of Jesus with everyone in the room and makes me feel at peace when I’m in church worshipping. After all, when I’m praying and singing my heart out, it also makes me forget my worries and problems and makes me focus on Jesus and I’ll continue to follow the plan Jesus has for me.” Soph. Mariah Perales said.