Athletes are often celebrated for their ability to play a sport. Whether because of their strategic , aggressiveness, leadership, perseverance, or countless points. However, behind the athlete and their team, there’s another team of unsung heroes. This team, big or small, is a support system just as crucial as the game itself.
For many athletes, their supporter is a parent. Parents can provide crucial emotional support, helping many athletes overcome challenges and setbacks thrown their way. Sometimes this is done by being in the bleachers supporting their every move and sometimes they just are there to tell the athletes it’s okay when they mess up.
West Ottawa graduate Gabby Reynolds said, “My mom has been very supportive especially on the emotional side of things. Making sure my mind is right because basketball, and really any sport, is a mental battle. So it involves a whole lot of mental toughness. My mom has played a huge role in

the confidence that I have now, and the continuous joy that I have playing basketball.”
Sr. Carissa Lugo mentioned her parents made it a point to show up to every game. She said, “They always have cheered me on and have been my motivation to do better each time; I love my parents.”
Jr. Taylor Catton said her biggest supporter is her dad. She said, “Throughout my entire athletics my dad has almost never missed a game. He is always telling me what I did good and how I improved rather than focusing on my mistakes. He is always encouraging when I do not perform as well as I wanted.”
Another athlete who expressed her gratitude for her parents is West Ottawa graduate Brooke Pedersen. She said, “My parents supported me by coming to every single sporting event throughout my life and pushing me to work hard in all aspects of life. It meant so much to me that I always had someone at each one of my games and people who would love and care for me regardless of my athletic or academic performance.”
Parents also make many sacrifices for their athletes. Whether they drive them to early morning practices, pay for training camps, or practice with them in their free time.
West Ottawa graduate Gabby Reynolds said, “Training with him up until I was 13 years old, and it came to the point that he didn’t know what else to teach me so he started looking online to find a trainer for me, Jorddan Myrick. My dad has invested so much time, and money in me to make me successful at what I love doing most, playing basketball.”
Reynolds also said her mom has made many sacrifices for her. She said, “She too would drive me to games and have very meaningful conversations on those drives, which never goes unseen.”
For other athletes their biggest supporter is a grandparent. While grandparents may not always get the spotlight they can offer the athletes unforgettable support, wisdom, and love. Just like parents, grandparents also make sacrifices for athletes. Whether it’s, driving down a long way to come to a game, financial support, or watching games from home. These contributions are greatly appreciated.
Sr. Sydney Wilcox said, “My biggest supporter, I would say, is my grandma. I would say her as she has always been there for me and helped me be true to myself. We were best friends before she passed away and I will always cherish our friendship.”
Another group of major supporters are siblings. Whether they are older or younger, sister or brother; the love and support from a sibling is unmatched. They can provide humor, relatability, advice, loyalty, motivation, honest feedback, and comfort.

West Ottawa graduate Brooke Pedersen said along with her parents her siblings are also her biggest supporters. She said, “Through their expert advice giving and efforts to always cheer me up. If I ever have a bad day I know I can call any of my three siblings and they will listen and find a way to help me.”
For many athletes, after high school these supporters help them move forward in their athletic career.
West Ottawa graduate Gabby Reynolds said, “Both my parents have been a huge support system since being in college, whether it’s just a simple text or call, they continue to make sure I’m doing okay, and provide me with the love and support that I need in this season of life in particular.”
For athletes, the collective support from family, coaches, teammates, mentors,
and fans encourages them to push their limits and achieve greatness. Without these supporters, an athlete’s journey would be far more challenging. So it’s important to acknowledge those who help make a difference in playing the sport; the unsung heroes who are always there to support, uplift, and encourage athletes every step of the way.