Most West Ottawa students are not couch potatoes–they are very active. Not coincidentally, many of those active students are dog owners.
Owning a dog isn’t just about companionship; it’s also a ticket to a more active lifestyle. “Me and my dog do a lot of things actively together. One of our favorite things to do is going on walks,” Sr. Madison Solis said. The daily routine of maintaining a dog, like walking and playing, all contribute to increased physical activity.
Many dog owners find themselves outdoors with their pets, often taking them for walks. This not only benefits the dog’s health, but also promotes regular exercise for the owner. “I like to chase him around the yard, throw toys for him to chase, and do tug of war,” Sr. Chloe Rooks said. Dogs have a natural enthusiasm for play, which is why the interactive nature of owning a dog can be contagious and encourage physical activity for the owner.
The social aspect of owning a dog can also increase the physical activity of a dog owner. When dog owners go to dog parks or take walks, they frequently interact with others, which creates a sense of community and encourages socialization. Frosh. Amalia Noble said, “We take her to the dog park and let her play with other dogs. We take her on very long walks and we play outside with her and throw around that ball.” The social aspect of owning a dog can lead to dog meet-ups or even play dates that involve physical activity.
Holland Hospitals behavioral health therapists, Brenna Vernocke and Kayla Rotman published an article that encouraged readers to “Get outside. Taking a walk or simply enjoying nature is proven to help reduce stress and improve mental health.” So taking that thirty, twenty or even ten-minute dog walk each day can positively affect physical well-being and mental health.
Owning a dog isn’t just about the happiness and companionship that they bring; it’s a lifestyle that promotes physical activity. Daily walks to play and the responsibility that comes with taking care of a dog, all have a positive impact on the health of dog owners, making them more active and positive people.