“Honestly, there’s a lot about life–and my place of work, specifically–that makes me happy. I feel really blessed and truly thankful for the life I live and more importantly the people I get to experience it with. When I’m doing something I’m passionate about and I have good people alongside me in the process, that is when I feel happiest. Having meaningful relationships and making a difference in the world–however big or small that may be–that is what I’m most passionate about. It brings me the most joy in life, and when I think about why I love WO and why I feel so happy doing what I do every day, it’s because I feel like I’m making an impact and being impacted in return–all while having really incredible people by my side in the process. What makes me happiest is knowing I get to choose to do something every day to make a difference–smiling at someone who might be having a bad day, teaching a second grader how to swim, giving a struggling student a hug, listening to a co-worker share exciting news and celebrating with them–and getting to share my days with some of the best people I know. The athletes I coach, the co-workers I work alongside that are just as passionate about making an impact as I am and the students I get to be with on a daily basis who inspire me to fight for what’s right in the world–this community and knowing I have a purpose here is what makes me happiest about WO,” Instructor Kayla Ziegler said.