“ If I could change one thing about my life, I would never have moved away from Missouri. It was more chill there and I just felt at home. I was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan. When I was two months old my parents moved our family to India as missionaries. We lived there for four years then moved to Springfield, Missouri, where my parents both got job offers. While all my moves yielded important things which contributed to who I am, it didn’t allow me to make those long lasting friendships with people. I started school in Missouri and became very close with people from there. When I was 15 going into sophomore year, my dad got a job offer to be a professor at Hope College. My family decided to move back to Holland, and I lost all those close connections once again. I feel like lots of people are still friends with people they knew in third grade; for me I haven’t thought about, talked to, or seen anyone from elementary school in years. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the opportunities that moving has provided me, but some of the relationships I lost are also hard to deal with,” Sr. John Kuiper said.