“Let’s just say there was a huge falling out between her [Jr. Lily Binkley’s aunt] and her sisters, and they were always treating her poorly. She has her own company, and she just gives them money for Christmas for their kids’ things, money for appliances, buying them appliances and phones, and they’ve been horrible throughout her whole life. Even though they’ve been horrible to her, she’s still like “well they’re in need, I want to help them,” which is like “woah” to me. I think what’s really cool about what she does is that she never expects anything in return. She’ll do something and maybe they’ll even be rude, and she just keeps doing it; she is never discouraged. She’s been through so much and she’s just so generous and willing to give and be kind to everyone. I feel like being kind and feeling up to compliment someone just takes bravery and courage, and she’s got those good traits. I think a lot of the time when you do something good, you just feel good about yourself even if it’s not reciprocated. It just feels so good. I just think it’s beautiful, I think it’s lovely,” said Jr. Lily Binkley.