Yo momma so… awesome

Mark Cosgrove and Kira Guerrin

   “Ugh, I have no idea what to write about again,” I said. I was lacking in article ideas, so I tapped into my mom for advice, as I typically do. She tossed out some genuine topics, then some sarcastic topics, and nothing seemed to spark enough inspiration.

   After giving me a few ideas, she jokingly said, “You should write about how awesome your mom is!” So… this is Kira Guerrin and Mark Cosgrove. Our moms are awesome and we’re here to tell you that yours are too.

   We believe that in our society, moms are underappreciated. The amount of work they put in behind the scenes often goes unnoticed. When we take a step back, slow down, and think about everything our moms do for us, it’s no doubt that our moms are awesome and yours probably are too.


Mark’s Mom

   The day is Friday, February 24. This morning on my way out the door, I was in a hurry like usual. In my careless rush, I forgot my audition music that I needed to practice later that day. In the heat of the moment, I didn’t even realize that I had forgotten my music. But as always, Mom came to the rescue. Within the hour, my mom texted me about it and dropped my music off at school. My mom is awesome.

     I believe that my mom is the biggest reason that I am who I am. She helps me constantly whether that be with my day to day burdens or emotional needs. Although she can no longer help me with my math homework, I feel that my mom always seems to be able to sense discomfort. No matter how well I think that I can hide my emotions, my mom always knows. This is one of the reasons why she is so good at her job. She works as First Reformed care minister. It also makes her an incredible mom. Personally, my love language is physical touch and my mom always seems to know exactly when I need a hug.

   Often when I’m in public I second-guess myself before I say things. Worrying “Will this be funny?” “What if no one laughs at that?” or “Is that interesting enough?” I never feel this way when I talk to my mom. My mom has a certain way of always making sure that I feel heard or seen. She has this same effect at our Church, we can hardly make it five feet without someone wanting comfort from her. My mom is awesome.


Kira’s Mom

   My mother does so, so much for me. I really struggle with time management and self-motivation when things get stressful and busy, and during the school year, I get very busy. The most important part of her help is that she doesn’t just do everything for me, she prompts me and gives me advice and ways to manage myself. Though I need her, I know I won’t have to fully rely on her when I am on my own. She has properly supplied me with the tools necessary to be independent.

  She has set such a good emotional example for me as well. She has taught me how to articulate how I feel, how to get help when things get rocky, and how to give the best advice and help when others need me. My friends typically come to me when they need to talk through something that is causing them strife or sadness, because they know I can empathize with them and give them advice. I credit my mom for giving me that gift.

    She also takes on a mother-like role to many other people in my life. My friends always seek out a classic Abby-G hug when they see her. She just has this energy that emulates from her that tons of people can connect to so quickly. She is loved by almost everyone she meets and that is incredibly inspiring to me. I strive to be just like her every day. 


Your Mom

  Obviously, mothers are amazing, but at times they’re very underappreciated. “I mean, there are certain things that children will always take for granted. I never hear, ‘Thanks for paying the bills this month, Mom!’ but I definitely hear ‘Thanks for folding my laundry’ or ‘Thanks for buying those snacks I needed for that party.’” Lisa Kephart, mother of three, said. “Certainly, when they were younger, my kids took me for granted more. But as children grow and mature, they are able to see outside of themselves, and they come to realize when other people are helping them, or are sacrificing for them. I’m really glad my kids have gotten to that point,” 

    There has seemed to be a recurring theme from our mothers, whose children are now in high school. As their children get older, their role shifts from being a day-to-day functional caregiver, to becoming an emotional guide for their kids. Being a day-to-day caregiver can look different for individual moms. Tiffany Fredericksen, mother of four, said “As a mom, there are things that I do out of responsibility and love for my kids that they don’t necessarily ask for: making sure prescriptions are filled and doctor/dentist appointments are scheduled, making sure work/sports uniforms are clean for the next game and that they are getting to and from practices and games.” 


   As children get older, the duty of a mom seems to change. “As far as how much I do for him on a daily basis, at this point in his life, it’s mostly looking out for his emotional and physical well-being.” Kristie Carithers, mother of two, said. Kephart said, “The main thing that I do for my children now is try to be a listening ear and a voice of wisdom. We talk a lot about the decisions they have to make in their lives, and the best way to manage their schedules, relationships, and responsibilities as they become more and more autonomous.” 

   Often our mothers do more for us than we realize. Even for just the sake of taking one more thing off of our plates. Karen Dumas, mother of two, said, “I am lucky enough to be able to work from home a majority of the time since Covid…With this new flexibility in my work day, I am more able to take on tasks that I had previously required the children to do as chores. I do all the laundry, I make all the meals, I do more housework without asking for help. Since my child is involved in so many school and extracurricular activities, as well as work and volunteering, this relieves the pressure of being responsible for things at home as well.”

   Another similar idea that kept coming up from our mothers was that they wished that their children put themselves in their mother’s shoes a little more often. “I sometimes wish they

would stop and think about the ways moms and dads put them first, always try hard to make sure they can be everywhere they need to be and make decisions based on what is best for them.” Said Angie Angel, mother of four. Kephart said, “I don’t think any child can truly appreciate all that most mothers must sacrifice and do for them to have their best lives. You can’t really understand until you are a parent yourself, and maybe not even then! But that’s not why we choose to have kids. We know that the love, energy, time, and relentless patience we must give will not necessarily be reciprocated while they are still living under our roof—but they are still worth it!”


   Although our moms might never admit it to us, sometimes they do wish that they got a little more appreciation and recognition. 

   One of the moms said, “I taught my kids to say thank you. But there are times it feels like empty words that do not seem sincere. It would mean a lot if their actions expressed it.” 

   Another said, “For the most part, [name] is pretty good at saying thank you, but he could certainly thank me more often for cooking meals and doing laundry. I would love to see [name] show his appreciation by keeping his room picked up and occasionally offering, unsolicited, to cook a meal, clean up the kitchen or unload the dishwasher.” 

   This mom said, “They are pretty good about being appreciative…but don’t always remember to say thank you.” 

   Another mom said, “I would love to get more hugs to show appreciation.”


   Our moms truly are awesome and they deserve more appreciation than they get. Next time you see your mom, cherish her, compliment her, and thank her. As Tiffany Fredericksen said it best, “Sometimes, all it takes is a big hug to make a mom feel loved, acknowledged, and appreciated.”