The dilemma of decades. Mullets?

Pictured is teacher Brian Taylor in high school
November 10, 2022
Mullets. We all know them, we all love them. Well, maybe not all of us. How are they coming back? Why are they coming back? And yes, they are coming back.
Mullets have always been a topic of conversation in the fashion community. Are they amazing? Or horrendous? Many people have extremely different opinions on the mullet. Mullets have been in and out of pop culture. Mullets became popular first in the late 70s and peaked in the 80s. Mullets once again came back around the mid 90s with many pop culture icons at the time sporting the hairstyles. Celebrities including Rob Lowe, Scarlett Johansson, Brad Pitt, Kayne West, Ellen DeGeneres, and John Stamos have all rocked the famous hairstyle. Although popularized in the 80s mullets have been around for a long long time. The mullet can even be dated back to the 6th century B.C. in ancient Rome. This was one of the first bi-level hairstyles that can be found in history. At this time the mullet was called the hun cut. Business in the front, party in the back. This bi-level haircut was supported by wealthy bands of hooligans of the time.
But who cares about the past? What do students and teachers now in the 21st century think about the mullet?
Sr. Brody Ruby is quite fond of the up and coming hairstyle, he even sports a mullet himself. “Of course, I’ve got one on right now, looking fresh.” Obviously while rocking the mullet, Ruby is a fan. But Ruby believes there ar

e certain characteristics that make a good or a bad mullet. One of these characteristics is length. “Having a little too much length in the back, you look a little dirty, so you know, you gotta keep it fresh.” For Ruby, only a certain type of mullet is “fresh.” So what makes a good or bad mullet? For Ruby, it’s length.
Jr. Noah Carithers believes that mullets look good on “a certain type of person.” For Carithers, sports is a partial factor in whether a mullet looks good or not. “A hockey or lacrosse guy can rock it… I don’t think a baseball player can rock a mullet.” So for Carithers, sports played is a big factor in whether or not a mullet looks good. Carithers also

believes that what type of hair you have is a big factor. “Your hair has got to be wavy or curly, you can’t have straight hair, it doesn’t look good.”. Carithers believes that a mullet will look good if your hair is thick, curly, or wavy. So in Carithers’s eyes, thin pin straight mullets are the reason for some people’s hatred. Carithers is fond of the mullet himself, even going so far as to say “If I could grow one, I’d definitely rock it.” Carithers believes that mullets are coming back for sure. “100% they are definitely coming back”.
One of the most famous mullets at West Ottawa High School is history teacher Brian Taylor. Taylor styled his mullet when the hairstyle was at its peak in the 80s. “Of course mullets were cool in the 80s!” Mr. Taylor also describes that in the 80s, the products you used in your hair were a part of the cool factor of a mullet. “You needed hair to absorb all the hair

spray and mousse”. Mr. Taylor’s mullet was not curly, thick, or wavy. But despite what Carithers believes, Mr. Taylor’s mullet was nothing short of awesome. In his words “The epitome of business in the front, party in the back”.
After extensive research on mullets, their history, what makes them fresh or not fresh, and gathering different opinions on the bi-level hairstyle, I have concluded that yes, mullets are coming back whether you like it or not. And yes, mullets are fresh, sick, and cool. Whatever slang you want to use. Hey if you can’t beat em, join em. That’s what I did. So in Noah Carithers’ words “If you can rock a mullet, do it. It looks sick.”