WENOW announces Hispanic Heritage Month event

A WENOW poster promoting the upcoming event

Ken Sanabria

A WENOW poster promoting the upcoming event

Ken Sanabria

WENOW just announced they will host a speaking panel for Hispanic heritage month October 19 from 3-4 in the South Large Group Instruction room.  Attendance is free.

Members of the Holland community will come together to speak about their life experiences and the difficulties they overcame. These six speakers include Juan Vazquez Hernandez, Isis Coipel, Ramon Soto, Juanita Bocanegra, Nayeli Mora, and Irianis Hanafin.  At the conclusion of the speakers’ remarks, the audience can ask questions about their stories. Refreshments and treats will be available.

Soph. and WENOW member Ise Badran said, “I’m looking forward to recognizing the hard work, experiences, and achievements of people in our community.”

WENOW organized the event to connect with others and to inspire people of all backgrounds.

Speaker Juan Vazquez Hernandez said, “I look forward to be inspired by the stories.” He hopes that the panel will “…empower our voice and culture.”